Thursday, October 1, 2009

What Happened to Wednesday?

I know that Wednesday exists but what happened to it?  I woke up this morning to Faith saying, "Mommy, it's Thursday.  Are you coming to class today?"  Wait... Wait... what happened?  Where did Wednesday go?  What did I do yesterday that made me completely forget about it?

Have you ever had this happen to you?



Kelly said...

All the time. I think, as mothers, we stay so busy that time slips by very easily. I'm told it only gets worse as you get older. Worse? Wonder what happens? Do we start missing whole weeks?

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

@Kelly - Well I just asked the other day what happened to August. Now September is gone. Did I lose a month?

One with many names said...

My Wednesday just went by in a blur! I've given you an Over the Top blog award :)

Thank you for being an interesting, friendly and regular blogger!

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

@Chef Eureka - I'm so glad its just not me. Awww thank you for the compliment. I actually was just wondering what was too much posting. Thank you so much for the award. I am so very honored. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to know that someone likes my blog.

Lee said...


Oh my gosh, happens to me all the time! Thankfully though it's almost Friday! The day I wish was twice as long.

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

@Lee the Hot Flash Queen - now I knew that you would understand. I so hate hot flashes. Please take them away.

@Nancy@ifevolutionworks - How come it seems like that is the shortest day of all?